Thursday, January 28, 2010

The Unwritten Law of Drycleaning

Before continuing please check out the above hilarious clip from Curb Your Enthusiasm - The Unwritten Law of Drycleaning.

Classic, Larry! But, seriously there is a perception getting around that if you get a garment from the drycleaner that is not yours, its cool to keep it. The perception is that sometimes you may lose a garment, and that is 'just how it is'. Win some, lose some. In this case Larry certainly lost.

Dave the Drycleaner is here to change that perception. Something that Larry David couldn't quite do.

Its not OK for a drycleaner to lose your garments. And if your drycleaner tries to tell you that, tell him to stick his unwritten law you know where. Losing a garment unfortunately happens in this line of work and should be taken seriously. It is a quite easy to place a business shirt or a pair of trousers on the wrong order. But rarely should that order go out to a customer with the wrong items on it and rarely does it actually happen.

Most reputable drycleaners use point-of-sale systems which contains info on all customers and all orders. So in any case, other customers can be contacted to see if they have accidentally received your garment.

If it cannot be found, most drycleaners will either replace the item, or pay a claim to an agreed amount, depending on factors such as depreciation etc.

My advice to everyone would be, If you receive a garment from your drycleaner that is not yours, return it to the drycleaner. They will usually offer you a credit note from your act of honesty and goodwill. Plus, think of all the extra Karma you will get. It could come in handy if the drycleaner loses something of yours.
